Housing, Food, Utilities

Christian County Department of Social Services – Ozark

phone: (417) 581-7511 or (855) 373-4636

Website: mydss.mo.gov

Apply for food, healthcare and utility assistance

Community Partnership of the Ozarks: One Door Springfield

Phone: (417) 225-7499 

Website: cpozarks.org/programs/one-door/

Affordable housing, homelessness prevention, early childhood and family development and youth support

Least Of These – Ozark

Phone: (417) 724-2500

Website:  leastofthesefoodpantry.org

Food Pantry

OACAC – Ozark

Phone: (417) 862-4314

Website: oac.ac

Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), rent and utilities assistance

Salvation Army: Emergency Social Services

Phone: Springfield (417) 862-5509 ext. 108

Website: centralusa.salvationarmy.org/usc

Rental assistance, clothing, diapers and formula, prescription assistance, transportation and food pantry

Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri

Phone: (417) 720-4213

Website:  ccsomo.org

Homeless prevention, Emergency Shelter, Housing, Disaster Recovery, 

Domestic Violence

Freedom’s Rest Family Violence Center – Ozark

Phone: (417) 582-0344

Website: freedomsrest.org

Parent Resources

Chloe’s Harbor 

A website dedicated to providing a list of resources and services in the Springfield, MO area.

Website: www.chloesharbor.org


Legal Services of Southern Missouri – Springfield

(417) 881-1397

Website: www.lsosm.org

Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services – Jefferson City, MO

Phone: (573) 893-3333

Website: www.moadvocacy.org

Children’s Services

Isabel’s House – Springfield

Phone: (417) 865-2273

Website: www.isabelshouse.org

Children-only crisis shelter

WIC (Women, Infants & Children) – Ozark

Phone: (417) 581-2385

Website: www.christiancountyhealth.com/wic

Nutrition, food vouchers and breastfeeding support

Diaper Bank of the Ozarks – Springfield and surrounding agencies

Phone: (417) 501-4411

Website:  ccozarks.org/programs/diaper-bank

Diapers and cloth diaper loan program


OATS Transit

Phone: (417) 887-9272

Website: www.oatstransit.org/christian


Christian County Library provides books, activities, and resources to residences in Christian County. 

For more info including locations and hours go to christiancountylibrary.org

The Nixa Parks & Recreation Department manages all city parks facilities. It also organizes recreational programs, community events, and offers fitness center and

aquatics memberships and passes. 

Phone: 417-725-5486

Website: www.nixa.com/departments/parks-recreation

The Ozark Parks & Recreation Department manages all city parks facilities. It also organizes recreational programs, community events, and offers fitness center and

aquatics memberships and passes.

Phone: 417-581-7002

Website:  ozarkmissouri.com/640/Parks-Recreation


1548 N. Commercial Rd.

Nixa, MO 65714

Contact Us

Phone: 417-494-4982


Office Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00 AM – 4:30 PM