Housing, Food, Utilities
Christian County Department of Social Services – Ozark
phone: (417) 581-7511 or (855) 373-4636
Website: mydss.mo.gov
Apply for food, healthcare and utility assistance
Community Partnership of the Ozarks: One Door Springfield
Phone: (417) 225-7499
Website: cpozarks.org/programs/one-door/
Affordable housing, homelessness prevention, early childhood and family development and youth support
Least Of These – Ozark
Phone: (417) 724-2500
Website: leastofthesefoodpantry.org
Food Pantry
OACAC – Ozark
Phone: (417) 862-4314
Website: oac.ac
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), rent and utilities assistance
Salvation Army: Emergency Social Services
Phone: Springfield (417) 862-5509 ext. 108
Website: centralusa.salvationarmy.org/usc
Rental assistance, clothing, diapers and formula, prescription assistance, transportation and food pantry
Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri
Phone: (417) 720-4213
Website: ccsomo.org
Homeless prevention, Emergency Shelter, Housing, Disaster Recovery,
Domestic Violence
Parent Resources
Chloe’s Harbor
A website dedicated to providing a list of resources and services in the Springfield, MO area.
Website: www.chloesharbor.org
Legal Services of Southern Missouri – Springfield
(417) 881-1397
Website: www.lsosm.org
Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services – Jefferson City, MO
Phone: (573) 893-3333
Website: www.moadvocacy.org
Children’s Services
Isabel’s House – Springfield
Phone: (417) 865-2273
Website: www.isabelshouse.org
Children-only crisis shelter
WIC (Women, Infants & Children) – Ozark
Phone: (417) 581-2385
Website: www.christiancountyhealth.com/wic
Nutrition, food vouchers and breastfeeding support
Diaper Bank of the Ozarks – Springfield and surrounding agencies
Phone: (417) 501-4411
Website: ccozarks.org/programs/diaper-bank
Diapers and cloth diaper loan program
Christian County Library provides books, activities, and resources to residences in Christian County.
For more info including locations and hours go to christiancountylibrary.org
The Nixa Parks & Recreation Department manages all city parks facilities. It also organizes recreational programs, community events, and offers fitness center and
aquatics memberships and passes.
Phone: 417-725-5486
Website: www.nixa.com/departments/parks-recreation
The Ozark Parks & Recreation Department manages all city parks facilities. It also organizes recreational programs, community events, and offers fitness center and
aquatics memberships and passes.
Phone: 417-581-7002
1548 N. Commercial Rd.
Nixa, MO 65714
Contact Us
Phone: 417-494-4982
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM